Synopsis: Fran, a successful lawyer from Madrid, comes home for dinner. But tonight Carlota, his seventeen years old daugther, is not at home yet and Fran decides to go out to look for her. He does not find any difficult to get her out in a disco thanks Totó, his young son. Carlota does not know anything about her boyfriend and she refuses to come back home without any news from him. In this task, Fran decides to go out with her to know if Chema (Carlota´s boyfriend) is ok and then begins a hard and complicated night´s journey in the city, that will not end up before dawn. But, at the same time, the looking for Chema becomes the looking for themselves, the looking for the deepest and most hide feeling to the resort to be able to com e across again. Night turns dramatical for Fran who feels caught up between his own mistakes. But he will fight to the end not only for clearing his sins but also to recover the love of his daughter.